A life in balance 

Life is a balancing act. Between pleasure and obligations. Work and leisure. Family and friends. We all try to find a healthy balance, but life tends to take unexpected turns that make us lose our balance in life. This is human and inevitable.

But an imbalance is not always easy to see. Sometimes we hardly notice it ourselves – for example when stress symptoms sneak in on us unnoticed and everyday life suddenly feels overwhelming.

It is important to us at Danica that you can live a healthy, good and long life. For us, well-being and prosperity, the present and the future, always go hand in hand. In other words – we stand ready to help you build a life in balance.

The goal is not to never lose your balance, but to find it again if you do. In your working life. In your private life. Throughout your life.



How bad is the situation really?


Illness and poor well-being, whether it affects oneself or one’s immediate family, is by far the greatest source of imbalance for Danes. 
Such symptoms must therefore be taken seriously. 

Source: Voxmeter December 2024

More than
every other Dane
has experienced some kind of imbalance in life during the past year...

Source: Voxmeter december 2024

... and almost
four out of five 
Danes between the ages of 18 and 65 have experienced symptoms of stress.

Source: Voxmeter december 2024

Are you experiencing imbalance in your life?

Get help from an online psychologist

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A lot can happen in a year. Does your pension scheme fit your current life situation?

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