Investing to promote the green transition

At Danica, we want to contribute to the green transition and play our part in meeting the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. We have therefore set a target for our investment portfolio to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 at the latest, which we in part will accomplish by directing our investments towards supporting the green transition. Towards 2030, we aim to invest a minimum of DKK 100 billion in companies and projects that are actively facilitating the green transition.

“Our investment approach is designed to ensure that supporting the green transition and providing attractive returns for our customers go hand in hand. We’ve set ambitious targets for our investments in the green transition because we firmly believe that these investments will add value to our customers’ pension savings and will also benefit society.”

Poul Kobberup, Chief Investment Officer, Danica

We have already invested DKK 56.3 billion in the green transition 

Chart of our goals for green investments

 From 2019 to the end of 2023, our investments in the green transition increased fivefold from approximately DKK 10 billion to just over DKK 50 billion. These investments were classified as investments in the green transition in line with best practice definitions at the time. In future, investments in the green transition will be defined in alignment with the EU Taxonomy and a with recognised standard for green bonds.

How are we investing in the green transition?

We are working to support the green transition through various types of investments. These include shares, bonds and alternative investments all over the world as well as investments in properties in Denmark. When calculating our investments in the green transition, we adhere to recommendations on reporting and definitions provided by Insurance and Pension Denmark. 

This means that our investments in the green transition are either classified as environmentally sustainable in alignment with the EU Taxonomy or adhere to the Green Bonds Principles from the International Capital Market Association. 

Below, you can find a detailed breakdown of how the total amount invested in the green transition is distributed across different types of investments.

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