Our work with responsible investments

Danica's responsible investment approach is underpinned by policies, instructions, guidelines, and reporting. On this page, you will find relevant documentation and frameworks supporting our approach, as well as product information and reporting on sustainability aspects. 

Sustainability-related disclosures

The EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation is a regulation that aims to enhance transparency and comparability to investors on how, for example, we as a pensions fund company integrate sustainability dimensions in our general processes and in our investment solutions.

You will find information on how we integrate sustainability-related risks in our investment decision-making processes and remuneration policies, and our reporting and management of how we consider the principal adverse impacts investments might have on sustainability factors.

This information is listed below under ’Policies, instructions, methodologies and guidelines’.

Disclosures for investment solutions
We offer a range of investment solutions that are promoting environmental and/or social characteristics and ensures good governance practices. They comply with disclosure requirements set out in Article 8 of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. In addition, we offer an investment solution that complies with disclosure requirements set out in Article 6 in the EU regulation. 

On this page, you will find detailed information and disclosures for investment solution under ‘Sustainability-related disclosures for investment solutions’.

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