Seeking to contribute to positive change

Your pension savings with Danica aim to make a difference because we focus on influencing the companies you invest in to become more sustainable. This contributes to positive social development and also protects your pension funds and helps them grow.

We exercise active ownership in three ways

We are in dialogue with the executive management of companies

We vote at the general meetings of companies

We collaborate with other investors and organisations

Your pension is working for a better world

We invest on behalf of hundreds of thousands of our customers, and this puts us in a strong position to be able to influence companies to act more responsibly. Our voice is listened to because we represent a significant proportion of a company’s equities or bonds, which, for example, allows us to influence companies to move in a more sustainable direction.

Through dialogue we can:

  • discuss and minimise corporate sustainability risks, thereby helping to protect your investments
  • influence companies to address sustainability challenges and address problematic issues
  • gain more insight into the companies and use that knowledge to select the best possible investments
  • support companies in developing responsibly and contributing to the creation of a sustainable society

We take responsibility

We can most effectively contribute to creating positive changes by remaining invested in companies. Because we believe that this is the most responsible approach, we do not necessarily divest companies and turn our backs on them if challenges arise. Instead, we engage in constructive dialogue with the companies to exert pressure on them and help them resolve their challenges. We believe that this is the way to create real change and a more sustainable society.

Exclusion as a last resort

It may take time for companies to improve – and we support them in the long term through active dialogue. If we assess that a company is not sufficiently improving over time, and if we see no further means of exerting pressure on company management, we may choose to exclude that specific company and put it on our exclusions list.

Using our voting rights at general meetings

When we invest your pension savings, we have the opportunity to vote at the general meetings of companies. We exercise this right in order to ensure that the companies take sustainability issues into consideration and minimise their negative impact on society. On our voting platform/Proxy Voting Dashboard, we disclose how we vote on proposals at general meetings. Visit the platformen here.

Voting guidelines and policies

Our voting guidelines direct how we vote on proposals at general meetings. The overall guiding principle behind how we vote is to improve and protect your pension. The guidelines address, for example, how we vote on financial matters, capital structure and shareholders’ rights. There are also a number of guiding principles for how we vote on sustainability issues, including

CO2 emissions, energy efficiency, gender diversity, use of renewable energy, biodiversity, water and sanitation, worker and human rights, child labour, and anti-corruption.

View voting guidelines

See active ownership policies and reporting   

Making a difference through collaboration

Danica is member of a number of investor organisations and investor initiatives. Through such membership, we aim to contribute to the development of responsible investments and to promote transparency and sustainability standards in companies and in the financial markets.

By collaborating with other investors, we can influence companies and contribute to positive change even more. In this way, your pension savings will help put additional pressure on companies to reduce their climate impact or to respect human rights, for example.

We work with:

A lot can happen in a year. Does your pension scheme fit your current life situation?

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