About the pension packages

With our pension packages, you save up for your retirement and have all the important insurance covers providing financial security for you and your family. Learn more about how you are covered and how the money is paid out below.

Your cover

  • Loss of earning capacity

    Cover for loss of earning capacity amounts to a minimum of DKK 115,000 per year. Your coverage depends on your income.

    The amount is subject to taxation and becomes payable if you lose 50% or more of your earning capacity for a period of more than three months due to illness or an accident. Special rules apply to owners of newly established companies. It is up to you whether you want to be covered by your insurance until your 65th birthday or until you reach your state pension age.

    If you lose your earning capacity, we will ensure that pension contributions resume after three months, and that your insurance still provides you with cover.

  • Health Insurance

    The health insurance covers expenses for prescribed treatment of an illness or injury at approved private hospitals or private clinics as well as expenses for treatments by a physiotherapist or chiropractor, reflexology and acupuncture, treatment abroad, transportation to and from treatment facility abroad, transportation and accommodation for an accompanying person abroad, inpatient convalescence and treatment stay, as well as temporary assistance and care in the home.

    You are covered by your health insurance until your 67th birthday. The cover can be extended from age 67 to age 70.

  • Health Package

    You are comprised by Danica Health Package. The health package provides help before, during and after illness:

    • Stress Hotline: Immediate telephone counselling helping you to prevent stress and recover sooner.
    • Help to navigate the public healthcare system: We help you navigate the public healthcare system so that you can begin treatment as soon as possible.
    • Online health check: Get information in just a few minutes about your general state of health and be motivated to lead a healthier lifestyle.
    • You can get a second opinion if you for instance are uncertain about a diagnosis or recommended treatment.

How benefits are paid out

  • On retirement

    Your pension savings will be paid out when you retire. You can start receiving benefits when you reach your early retirement age. Most people start their payout later, however. The longer you wait, the bigger your payout. You can choose between a retirement savings scheme, an annuity pension scheme and a life annuity, or a combination thereof.

  • If you need to use your Health Insurance

    Health insurance benefits are paid out in connection with prescribed treatment of an illness at approved private hospitals or private clinics and treatments by specialists, chiropractors, psychologist, reflexologists and acupuncturists.

  • Loss of earning capacity

    Cover for loss of earning capacity benefits start three months after the date on which you lose 50% or more of your earning capacity – whether due to illness or an accident. Benefit payments will continue until the date at which you have chosen your insurance cover to cease – for example your 65th birthday.
  • Critical illness

    Cover for certain critical illnesses is paid out as a lump sum if you are diagnosed with one of the serious illnesses on this list. You must be alive to receive the payout.

  • On death

    The life insurance policy is paid out to your beneficiaries if you die before you reach retirement age. Correspondingly, the life insurance policy is paid out to you if your spouse or cohabitant dies before reaching retirement age.

About the health insurance

With Danica Health Insurance, you need not worry about what to do if you fall ill or have an accident.

Learn more

Pension for self employed persons

In collaboration with Pension for Selvstændige, we offer you attractive pension packages.

Learn more

Contact us today

Tel. +45 45 12 59 02

Email: kontaktpfs@danicapension.dk

A lot can happen in a year. Does your pension scheme fit your current life situation?

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