Your pension is working to support the green transition

The future is green, and our aim at Danica is to help create a carbon-neutral society in line with the climate targets set by the Paris Agreement. We believe that companies that contribute to the green transition are the investments of the future – and they can provide our customers with an attractive return and a secure pension throughout their retirement years.*

How are we contributing to the green transition?

DKK 100 billion in the green transition

We are investing a minimum of DKK 100 billion in the green transition towards 2030.

Climate-neutral investments

By 2050 at the latest, our investments will be carbon neutral.

Exclusion of climate-damaging companies

We do not invest in companies that have a significant negative impact on the climate, such as those in the coal and tar sands sectors.

Climate considerations

We take climate-related aspects into consideration when selecting investments, and we seek to influence companies to reduce their own climate impact.

Reducing real estate emissions

We are reducing the CO2 emissions from our Danish real estate investments by a minimum of 69 percent by 2030.

Low climate impact

In 2021, our investments had a carbon footprint that was 46 percent lower than that of the global financial market.

Investing together in tomorrow’s climate-friendly solutions

We are investing DKK 100 billion in the green transition towards 2030. This will contribute to a more climate-friendly society and provide our customers with attractive returns with a ‘green footprint’.

Read more

Your investments will be carbon neutral by 2050 at the latest

By 2050 at the latest, our investment portfolio will be carbon neutral, and we are taking action in the short-term to achieve our target.

Read more

Companies that you do not invest in

We do not invest in a number of companies that do significant harm to the climate. Such companies include those that derive the majority of their revenue from coal and tar sands and those that are involved in activities or products that contribute significantly to climate change. Deforestation of rainforests and an unwillingness to change from fossil fuel-based energy production to green energy production are examples of harmful climate behaviour.

We exclude companies when we believe that we cannot influence them to change their behaviour and move in a greener direction.


Currently, we have excluded more than 500 companies due to their harmful climate and environmental behaviour

Read more about our exclusions here
Read about our and the Danske Bank Group’s position on fossil fuel energy here

We seek to make a positive difference for the climate


We invest our customers’ pension savings in a wide range of companies across the world, and this means that we can influence these companies on behalf of our customers to reduce their climate impact and align with the targets set by the Paris Agreement. Through dialogue with company management and by voting at the general meetings of investee companies, we influence them to move form fossil fuel-based energy to green energy or to develop climate-friendly solutions and products. In this way, our customers are helping to pave the way for a more sustainable future.


In 2023, we...

held approx. 700 dialogues with companies on topics related to environmental and climate aspects.

voted for more than 70 climate-related proposals at the general meetings of investee companies.

Climate reports

  • Report on climate-related risks (TCFD)

    Our report on climate-related risks follows the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which we support as part of the Danske Bank Group. This report details how we manage climate-related matters in order to take good care of our customers’ pension investments and to contribute to the green transition. It also shows the progress we have achieved with our ambition to invest in alignment with the Paris Agreement’s target of limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

    Read the report

  • EU Taxonomy Regulation

    We welcome the Taxonomy and support the EU's ambition to re-orient investments towards sustainable investment. Our reporting under the EU Taxonomy Regulation indicates how and to what extent our investment activities are associated with environmentally sustainable economic activities.

    Read more

  • Climate Action 100+

    As part of the Danske Bank Group, Danica is a member of the Climate Action 100+ investor coalition, through which we together with other global investors influence the companies that have the largest CO2 emissions in the world to reduce their climate impact. The goal is to encourage these companies to change and adapt so that they meet the targets of the Paris Agreement.

    See the list of our investments in companies that Climate Action 100+ is in dialogue with.

    Read more
    (in Danish only)

*The information on this page covers the following pension products: Danica Balance, Danica Tidspension and Danica Traditionel.

A lot can happen in a year. Does your pension scheme fit your current life situation?

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