Guide to help your employees return after absence due to illness

When your employee says that he/she is ready to return to work – full-time or part-time – after a long period of absence, it is a good idea to plan the return together. As a manager, you have an important responsibility to help the employee return to work safely. Some employees need more support and help than others at the beginning of the return-to-work process.

We have prepared a guide for you with inspiration for what you as a manager can do to ensure the best possible return to work for your employee.

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What should you as a manager do before the employee returns to work?

  1. Invite the employee to an informal chat over a cup of coffee before he/she returns to work. Before the meeting, ask the employee if he/she would like to meet colleagues or would prefer to meet you in reception and go for a coffee together.
  2. Define together the tasks that the employee is able to perform at the beginning of the process. Begin with known and routine tasks.
  3. Plan fixed working hours and place of work during the initial stage.

What should you as a manager do when the employee has returned?

  1. Help the employee stick to the working hours agreed.
  2. Schedule fixed weekly follow-up meetings (duration of about ten minutes) for the coming two or three months and prioritise them. It is your responsibility as a manager to invite the employee to these meetings.
  3. Find out together what characterises a good working day. On the basis of this, set a number of milestones that will be considered at your follow-up meetings.
  4. Remember to inform the employee’s colleagues of the plan for the initial period. In particular, make sure to clearly inform them about the employee’s fixed working hours and places of work, so that the colleagues know what to expect.

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