Help your young employees get the best start to their working life 

The young people entering the labour market these years are called Generation Z, or Gen Z for short – the first generation of digital natives, born with full WiFi connection and excellent web surfing skills.

Unfortunately, we have seen a general increase in stress and anxiety in society over the past few years – especially among young people. In collaboration with researcher Søren Schultz Hansen, we have therefore compiled some tips and developed an onboarding plan that may be useful for you as manager of new young employees to help them get the best start to their working life.

In our experience, companies that actively plan how to best support their new young employees have a strategic advantage of attracting and motivating the talents of the future.

Download tips and plan as pdf


Retention of young employees

Michael Bruun Ellegaard is a manager at Trustworks. Here, he talks about how his company motivates the young employees to stay with the company.

Characteristics of Gen Z

Søren Schultz Hansen is a researcher of Gen Z. Watch as he outlines the characteristics of the generation.


4 rules of thumb for successful management of Gen Z employees

Create a safe start

  • Prioritise frequent interaction with your young employees, preferably on a daily basis, where you can discuss the performance of tasks and align expectations.
  • Create social security by setting up buddy or mentor schemes and arranging social events.
  • The young employees not only want to socialise digitally. Physical communities are important for them to thrive.

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A good pension scheme makes your company an even more attractive workplace.

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