With a Danica Children´s Health Insurance, you can also provide your children with good treatment options. The children’s health insurance gives your children access to treatment at private hospitals and with chiropractors, physiotherapists, and psychologists if they fall ill.
Your adult child can log in and use the child health insurance themselves. You just need to register your child by logging in the first time. After that, the child must log in, and file a claim themselves.

Does your child need help?

If a doctor has determined that your child needs an examination or treatment, you can file a claim.
Use Children’s Health Insurance

The insurance covers your biological children/adopted children regardless of their residence, as well as stepchildren who live at the same address as you.

To take out the insurance, you must have Danica Health Insurance via your employer. You can add the children’s health insurance yourself if is not already included via your employer. The insurance only covers expenses for treatment after our approval.
You can see your existing insurance covers in Netpension.