Your Insurances

An important part of your pension scheme is being covered if anything happens to you or your family. It provides peace of mind and security in your everyday life knowing you are covered against unforeseen circumstances. Your insurance covers can provide financial security for you and your family – today and in the future. In Netpension you  can see exactly what insurance covers you have and how you and your family are covered.

Get quick help online

With Danica Health Package you get online access to a doctor, a psychologist, a dietician, a coach or a family counsellor whenever it suits you.

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Get an overview of your insurance options

Are you covered if anything happens to you or your family? Get an overview of the insurance covers we offer to provide financial security for you and your family – today and in the future.

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Report a claim

Danica Health Insurance gives you the best options of getting quick treatment by e.g. a psychologist, a physiotherapist or a chiropractor. Our health insurance also gives you access to private hospitals to avoid long waiting lists.

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A lot can happen in a year. Does your pension scheme fit your current life situation?

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