Find your balance and achieve mental well-being

Are you thriving at work?

It is extremely important that you have the right conditions at work to avoid poor well-being and stress. Fortunately, there is much we as individuals can do to achieve a more balanced working life.

One of the most important things you can do to ensure that you thrive at work is to talk with you manager or your colleagues to align your own and their expectations for the job and, not least, to express your current situation in words.

The colour scale below may be a useful, visual tool for this purpose. Are you experiencing a high level of well-being (green), a low level of well-being (yellow) or burnout (red). There is a fine line between the different states of well-being and burnout, but it may nonetheless be a good tool to pinpoint how you really feel. 


What is poor well-being?

Each year, more and more Danes suffer from poor well-being and stress. Research shows, however, that if you react as soon as you notice the first symptoms, you can prevent and avoid stress – or give yourself the optimum chance of a quick recovery.

Poor well-being can be related to stress. If you want to learn more, you can read about it here.

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How are you feeling?

Get to know your signs and respond to them.

How to create more balance in your everyday life

Is balance the same for everyone? Watch and learn how to create more balance in your everyday life.



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A lot can happen in a year. Does your pension scheme fit your current life situation?

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