Danica Balance FlexOpsparing

Do you want to diversify the risk when you invest your cash funds? Then FlexOpsparing is an attractive option. With Danica Balance FlexOpsparing, you choose your risk profile and when you need the money, and we invest your savings. Learn more about the investments in Danica Balance.

Our experts invest your pension savings in a wide range of assets, which apart from equities and bonds also include alternative investments such as property and private equity. This improves the relationship between potential return and risk.

Facts about Danica Balance FlexOpsparing

  • Who can set up Danica Balance FlexOpsparing?

    This savings product can be set up by anyone and only requires an initial contribution of DKK 25,000. You can transfer the money from your Danske eBanking.

  • How do I make contributions?

    You make contributions by transferring money from your Danske eBanking. Your contributions are not tax deductible.
  • How to withdraw your money?

    When you need the money, you can make a withdrawal via Netpension. Log on to Netpension and make an account transfer to your NemKonto account. The money will be at your disposal three days later. You must withdraw at least DKK 500. If you want to withdraw your entire FlexOpsparing, we will have to close the account. Please note that it takes up to 10 days for you to receive the full payout of your pension. If you urgently need the money, you must start by withdrawing up to 90% of the money. However, a minimum of DKK 25,000 must remain on the account after the withdrawal.

  • How are my savings invested?

    We invest your savings in different investment funds. The distribution will depend on which of the nine investment strategies under Danica Balance you choose.

    See the nine investment strategies under Danica Balance (In Danish only).

    You can also see the current returns (in Danish) under Danica Balance.

    Higher risk has historically resulted in a potentially higher return. However, it also results in an increased risk of fluctuations in your pension savings. It is important that your risk profile matches your preferences. We always recommend that you choose your risk profile before you start to invest.

    If you want to, you can change your investment strategy.

  • What is the price of Danica Balance FlexOpsparing

    For information about our expenses in Danica balance FlexOpsparing, see our price sheet

    In addition to the expenses shown in the price sheet, investments in the funds under Danica balance FlexOpsparing are subject to expenses. These costs are deducted before the prices and thus the returns on balance funds are calculated. You can find information about the costs expressed in the annual percentage rate of the funds (APR) by clicking the name of the balance fund in the list of balance funds here. The expected AOPs for the balance funds for 2024 are in the range of 0.42-1.24 percent.

  • What will happen to my savings if I die prematurely?

    If you die before your savings are paid out, your beneficiaries will receive a total payout corresponding to 99 percent of your savings.
  • Terms and conditions

    Here, you can see the prices of Danica Balance FlexOpsparing. In Netpension , you can see the exact price of your pension scheme.


    Here, you can learn more about the terms and conditions applying to you as a Danica customer.

    Conditions for setting up your pension scheme (In Danish only)
    Customer guide on cover and health information (In Danish Only)

    Investment conditions

    You can see the investment conditions applying to Danica Balance FlexOpsparing here.

    Investment conditions – Danica Balance FlexOpsparing (PDF) (In Danish Only)

    If you already have a Danica pension scheme, you can see the investment conditions applying to your scheme in your Netpension under [‘Pensionsoversigt’] and [‘Betingelser’].

    Sustainability-related disclosures

    Danica balance FlexOpsparing complies with Article 8 of the EU sustainable Finance disclosure’Regulation (SFDR).

    Read how the product takes into consideration sustainability risks, promotes environmental, social and governance factors here.
    Our work with responsible investments (in Danish only)

    When you are to receive your pension benefits

    Here, you can learn more about how your pension will be paid out. The same conditions apply if you are a beneficiary and are to receive a pension payout on death.

    When you receive your pension benefits (PDF) (In Danish only)

Read more

A lot can happen in a year. Does your pension scheme fit your current life situation?

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