Well-being, illness and return to work

Anyone can experience mental imbalance and poor well-being. It affects our quality of life and can lead to long-term absence from work due to illness. We must try to prevent that, of course.

On this page, you will find some simple tips to find a better balance in your everyday life and achieve greater well-being in your working life.

The page is divided into three phases, each providing specific tools that can help you if you want to improve your balance and well-being, if you are absent due to illness and want some tips on how best to recover or if you have just returned to work after long-term absence due to illness.



I would like advice on well-being.

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I am absent due to illness and would like some good advice.

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I am returning to work after being absent due to illness.

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Are you a manager?

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A lot can happen in a year. Does your pension scheme fit your current life situation?

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