Danica Balance Responsible Choice

Increase your sustainable investments

In aggregate, Danes have billions of kroner in pension savings. As a pension provider, our task is to protect and invest these assets to make them grow until the time comes for them to be spent in the future. Meanwhile, we are also responsible for influencing the future in which the assets are to be spent. Responsibility and consideration towards sustainability-related factors is a natural part of Danica Balance. But if you want to focus even more on sustainability, you can invest part or all of your pension savings in Danica Balance Responsible Choice. By doing so, your pension savings can work even harder to contribute to a sustainable future because a minimum of 75 percent of your investments will be sustainable.

Choose your balance

0 %? 21%? 34 % or 100 %? It is up to you what percentage of your pension savings you want to invest in Danica Balance Responsible Choice

Increase you focus on sustainability with Danica Balance Responsible Choice

Would you like your pension savings to have an increased focus on sustainability? If so, you can choose to place a proportion or all of your pension savings in Danica Balance Responsible Choice. By doing so, your investments will focus even more on companies that aim to help solve global challenges in areas such as climate, environment, food security, social conditions and health. And at the same time, you can still get a solid return.

As a minimum, a total of 75% of the investments you place in Danica Balance Responsible Choice will be sustainable. These are investments that we have assessed as contributing significantly to one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Furthermore, Danica Balance Responsible Choice excludes investments in a larger number of sectors than are excluded in Danica Balance, for example the fossil fuel and military equipment sectors. It is also a requirement for the companies that we invest in that they do not have a significant negative impact on society, and investee companies must adhere to international standards for human and employee rights as well as to standards set for good corporate governance.

What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Basically, the UN Sustainable Development Goals act as a global blueprint for how the world can become more sustainable by 2030. There are 17 goals, among which are the following:

  • Combating climate changes and ensuring access to clean water for all
  • Eradicating hunger and ensuring healthy lives for all
  • Achieving gender equality and better access to education

Learn more about the UN SDGs 

Please note

Please note that if you would like your entire pension savings to consist of a minimum of 75% sustainable investments, your entire pension savings must be placed in Danica Balance Responsible Choice. Go to the section ‘How does it work’ below for more information about the investments. 

For instance, you invest in

Companies and projects that produce renewable energy, or companies working with solutions that aim to reduce water waste, provide more clean water or promote sustainable food production.

Companies that seek to increase the reuse or recycling of materials, protect biodiversity, contribute to better health or reduce the carbon footprint from the production their products.

A combination of companies that together have lower CO2 emissions than those of the market in general and that are in the process of reducing their CO2 emissions to meet the climate goals of the Paris Agreement.

Together we have super powers


How does it work?

Danica Balance

With Danica Balance, we invest your pension savings in a wide range of assets, while promoting environmental and social characteristics.

Learn more about Danica Balance

Responsibility in our investment process

Responsible investing is about securing you the best possible return on your pension savings while also taking sustainability-related factors into consideration, encouraging companies to become more sustainable and acting in the best interests of society.

Read more about responsible investing with Danica Pension

Societal impact and sustainability

We have a natural responsibility towards ourselves, each other and future generations to protect and improve our society. You can learn more about our societal impact and sustainability work across Danica Pension here.

Societal impact and sustainability in Danica Pension (In Danish only)

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