Mental sundhed

Her finder du gode råd til, hvordan du kan forebygge og håndtere stress i virksomheden. Hør for eksempel hvordan du opdager de første tegn, og hvad du skal gøre som leder. Du finder også inspiration i vores tidligere webinarer og mindfulness-øvelser, der giver mere ro i hverdagen.

Har du set vores webinarer om søvn, stress og den uimodståelige teknologi?

Se tidligere webinars

Materials in English

  • The Irresistible Technology

    Developers of smartphones, apps and online services compete for your time and attention. Get inspiration on how to take back control over the technologies in your life.
    Using online services, apps and constantly being online is both exhausting and very time consuming. In the folder you can get the inspiration you and your co-workers need to control the many technologies in your life.
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  • Do you get enough sleep?

    An adult needs on optimum seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Do you and your co-workers get enough sleep? Here you will get advice and tips on improving your sleep pattern.
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Hvad kan vi hjælpe med?

En god pensionsordning gør din virksomhed til en endnu mere attraktiv arbejdsplads.

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